The spotted wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii, is a severe pest of berry fruits like strawberry, blueberry, sweet cherry and grape in terms of quarantine. For the disinfestation of SWD, methyl bromide (MeBr) is the only option in quarantine practice. However, MeBr's current use will be phased out due to chronic inhalation toxicity to fumigators and related worker as well as ozone depletion properties. To replace MeBr, we evaluated the efficacy of ethyl formate (EF) and phosphine gas (PH3) to all different developmental stages of SWD at practical fumigation condition (>25 ℃). To achieve complete control of all stages of SWD, PH3 required > 6 hr exposure when applied at > 1.0 g m-3. In case of 4hr EF fumigation, the LCt99 (LCt99, 99% lethal concentration × time) of EF to egg, larvae and pupae of SWD was 198.09, 77.42 and 115.55 g·h m-3, respectively.