Ameloblastoma and adenomatoid odontogenic tumor showed quite different tumorigenesis and prognosis , Besides theil‘ growth potential and histological features , there must be an essential diffcJ'cncc in gene expJ'ession profile between ameloblatoma and adenomatoid odontogenic tumor , The gene expression profiles we1'e compared by im munohi stochemi stry and immunoblot methods using different monoclonal and monospecific antibodies against on cogenes, growth factors, signaling molecules‘ matrix proteins, enzymes, Based on the immunohi stochemical find ings previously J'epo1'ted in the literature we found some di stinguishing feature of gene expressions 1'0 1' the tu mOl'igenesis between ameloblastoma and adenomatoid odontogenic tumors , The hi s togeneti c and mol eculal' mechani sms of both tumors wiII be discussed