Curing Effect on the Rhizome and Identification of Saprogen in Rehmannia glutinosa L.
Background : In the year 2015, the area under rhizome of Rehmannia glutinosa in Chungnam province increased to 65% (105 ha) of domestic total cutivation area and is recognized as income crop. Since proper strorage method of rhizome has not been established, rhizome decay rate is so high during storage. This experiment was carried out to establish proper strorage method for stable production of rhizome of Rehmannia glutinosa Methods and Results : Korea jiwhang was used for this experiment and rhizome was cured under vinyl house and room temperature for 1, 2, 3 days respectively. Rhizome was stored for 140 days at –2 - 0℃ after curing, and rhizome quality and saprogen were investigated after storage. Trimming loss was 11.3 - 21.9%, higher in longer curig time and rice hull packing. Moisture content was 70.0 - 75.1%, higher in shorter curing time and no rice hull packing. Curing efficacy was better in vinyl house than room temperature, decay rate by weight and number of rhizome was lowest in 48hrs curing and no hull packing as 0.5% and 2.0% respectively. Identified saprogen during storage was Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium tricinctum, Penicillium verrucosum, Mucor racemosus. Conclusion : Curing efficacy was better in 48hrs treatment under vinyl house with lowest decay rate and rice hull packing increased decay rate considerd due to saprogen existing in rice hull. 4 saprogens including Fusarium oxysporum were identified during storage of rhizome.