Wildfire is one of important disturbances in forests, which may effect on insects distribution. In Sangju, about 13 haof pine forests was burned in March, 2017. We investigated the response of insects to fire severity in burned pine forests,Sangju. Study area was classified by fire severity as 5 classes, such as unburned, light, light-moderate, moderate-severe,and severe. We placed 4 multi-funnel traps in each fire severity class. A total of 729 insects belonging to 42 specieswere collected during May 24 to October 12, 2017. Spondylis buprestoides (447 individuals), Sipalinus gigas (50 individuals),and Acanthocinus carinulatus (43 individuals) were dominant species accounted for 74.1% of total. According to fire severity,abundance and species richness were increased with fire severity, especially in high-medium area. Interestingly, two Monochamusspecies, vector insects of pine wood nematodes, were more caught in more severed area than in other classes.