The symptoms of pine wilt disease caused by the pine wood nematode (PWN, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), whichis recognized as a major forest pest. The PWN is transmitted by Monochamus saltuarius adults to healthy Korean whitepine (Pinus koraiensis). Because flight capacity of vector insects is important to protect pine forests, we tested flightdistance of M. saltuarius adults using flight mills in relation to biological characters (sex, age, and body weight). In addition,flight distance of M. saltuarius adults was compared between mated and unmated beetles to test effect of sexually matureon flight capacity. Although unmated adult beetles were more rapidly die compared with mated adults, total cumulatedflight distance during entire lifespan was differed according to whether mating or not, i.e., unmated adult beetles moretraversed than mated adults. Proportion of intermittent flights in mated females was significantly lower than others.