Chung Jung-Seung & Kim No-Ju. A Constraint against Identical Maximal Pronections in Phrasing. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 11: 133-141. In the phrasing of sentences without focus, a multi-word prosodic phrase (henceforth P-phrase) is preferred to a one-word P-phrase due to the constraint Phrase Minimality which prohibits a one-word P-phrase in North Kyungsang Korean (hereafter NK Korean) (N.-J. Kim 1997). However, a one-word (unary branching) P-phrase is forced to be formed due to the two inviolable constraints C-command and No Identical Maximal Projections (`IMPS). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate a role played by the constraint IMPs in mapping syntactic phrases to prosodic phrases. The constraint IMPs prohibits any identical maximal projections from being organized into the same P-phrase. For a role done by the constraint C-command, readers might refer to J.-S. Chung & N.-J. Kim (1997).