조직 구성원간의 신뢰는 조직내에서 지식을 창출하고 또한 창출된 지식이 조직내에서 전파되는 데에 지대한 영향을 미친다. 본 논문에서는 사회내의 기관, 제도등의 차이에 따라 조직내 구성원들간의 신념 공유나 상호 이해의 정도가 상이하며 이렇게 상이한 신념의 공유 정도나 상호 이해도가 조직내에서 지식을 창출하려는 동기부여나 창출된 지식의 조직내 전파 가능성 혹은 전파 범위나 속도 등에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 것을 분석한 개념적 논문이다.
This paper aims to analyze, in organizations where employees share beliefs and understandings as to what is acceptable as a base for identifying, promulgating, sustaining and creating knowledge and understanding, how designing, setting-up and maintaining such organizations depend, among other things, upon an efficient incentive structure to ensure the "transmission and communication" of knowledge and understanding within the organization to foster the "emergence" of new knowledge. This paper tries to analyze how organization, institutions or societies can help to sustain "shared" values among its members. Trust has increasingly played a key role in the effective functioning of most societies. This is especially true in the non Anglo-Saxon western world, where the explicit legal contract is relatively less important than the informal relationships build upon trust and understanding. Developing intra-organizational trust requires mechanisms to increase the level of "communication" and understanding. Our objective was to develop and refine the seminal idea of epistemic communities in a manner useful for understanding organizational design.