]ung, Woo-hyun 2009 The Funcbons of the Enghsh Utterance of fIghtmg’ m Korean Dlscourse πJe Soαolmguzstzc Joumal 01 Korea lη2) Trus study exammes the functIons of the Enghsh utterance, fIghtmg', m Korean chscourse, Wlth specIal attentIon to how and when trus expreSSlon IS employed by Korean natIve speakers To trus end, trus study collected data from naturally occumng sltuatlOns and the scnpts of some TV programs The res띠ts showed that the expreSSlon, fightmg', fulfIlls the pnmary functlOn of encouragmg the addressee, and that tlns PIVOtal functIon IS extended to such functIons as Wlsrung, congratulatmg, thankmg, prorrusmg, consolmg, beggmg, and leave-takmg, but not to as fIllmg a pause The fmchngs of the study corroborated the wldely-held c1rum that an utterance can fulfl11 plunva1ent functIons The study a1so mamfested other features fzghtmg' can be verba1ιed, lt can or cannot be responded, lt can be employed recIProca11y, and lt can be used to rughly va1ue a trung as well as a person These results WJll surely shed hght on the study of mscourse functIona1 pers야ctIve of Enghsh loan-words m Kor,않n chscourse, thus, leachng to a better understanchng of the natlVlzatlOn of Enghsh mto another language