The purpose of this study is to describe foreign students' Korean language pragmatic competence in relation to speech exchange and communicative strategy exposed in the process by which a communicative task was effectively completed. This study designed and applied ‘information-gab tasks' like ‘picture-description tasks' for the realization of ‘referential communication' in which two speakers give and take the explanation about a specific object in a state where neither of them mutually share adequate information about it. As a result of observing the dialog data elicited by the task, it was found that learners were arriving at the co-construction of ‘identification of referent' and ‘role-taking' in various communication modes. At this point, the introductory/intermediate learners had difficulty carrying out such an interactive component in performance of the task. Even the type of feedback varied between the introductory/intermediate learners and the advanced learners. The utterance clarifying the difference in the photos was generally not revealed in a verbal sequence. The linguistic form of ‘-in geot gatda(seem to)' was frequently used with the effect of assumptive judgment strategy.