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Adding stereoscopic 3D to 3D games with the TriOviz SDK, optimizing the stereoscopic viewing experience KCI 등재

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/338181
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한국컴퓨터게임학회 논문지 (Journal of The Korean Society for Computer Game)
한국컴퓨터게임학회 (Korean Society for Computer Game)

Developing computer games is a highly specialized process. Adding stereoscopic 3D features to a game can be time consuming an may lead to a whole new production pipeline. While there products like TRIDEF enable stereoscopic 3D gaming on the user side, many leading game manufacturer consider engines with integrated stereoscopic 3D support like the CRYENGINE or the use of a "ready to use" library for adding stereo 3D support to their game. The french company TRIOVIZ has put a new a stereo 3D software development kit on the market, witch works on multiple platforms and can easily be integrated on top of existing game structures. This article addresses what impact the stereo 3D engine has on the game building process. Since stereoscopic 3D computer games will be played on different devices of different sizes with various viewing distances, this article also shows which parameters need to be adapted to provide a comfortable stereoscopic viewing experience for the player.

 1. Introduction
  1.1 Economy of resources
  1.2 Easy integration
  1.3 Control of the 3D parameters
  1.4 Stereoscopic output modes
 2. Depth estimation and positioning of the stereo window
 3. Adjusting disparity to viewing medium
 4. Conclusion
  • Alaric Hamacher(Dept. of 3D Contents, Kwangwoon Univ. Graduate School of Information and Contents, Kwangwoon University) Correspondence to