Yong-Ha Kim. 2017. On the Problem of the Timing of Labeling: A Reply to Bošković (2016). Studies in Modern Grammar 96, 51-66. In this study, we critically discuss Bošković’s (2016) recent proposal about the labeling algorithm as proposed by Chomsky (2013, 2015). Bošković’s (2016) main claim is that the timing of labelling should be considered a crucial issue in Chomsky’s labeling algorithm. According to him, whatever its formulation, the labeling algorithm is taken to apply when the derivation reaches the interface. This means that there can, and should, be phrases without labels until the derivation enters the interface. Bošković (2016) further assumes that the label-less phrases trigger antilocality effects though the relevant movement would be sufficiently long if they had their own labels. With this assumption about the timing of labeling, Bošković is apparently successful in accounting for many interesting grammatical phenomena in a unique fashion.