Comparative fishing experiments were conducted in the eastern coastal waters near Uljin, Korea from 2002 to 2004, using the experimental trammel nets to estimate the selectivity for spinyhead sculpin Dasycottus setiger. The inner panels of the nets were made of nylon monofilament with four mesh sizes (82.2, 89.4, 104.8, and 120.2 mm) while its two outer panels were made of twisted nylon multifilament with a mesh size of 510 mm. The SELECT (Share Each Length’s Catch Total) procedure with maximum likelihood method was applied to obtain a master selection curve. The different functional models (normal, lognormal, bi-normal, and logistic model) were fitted to the catch data. The lognormal model with the fixed relative fishing intensity was chosen as the best-fitted selection curve through comparison of model deviance and AIC (Akaike’s Information Criterion). The optimum relative length (the ratio of fish total length to mesh size) with the maximum relative efficiency was obtained as 2.492.