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전통음악의 크로스오버와 창작국악 KCI 등재

Crossover Phenomena of the World`s Traditional Music and the Newly Composed Korean Traditional Music

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/340456
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,200원
음악이론포럼 (Music Theory Forum)
연세대학교 음악연구소 (Yonsei University Institute of Music Research)

The non-Western world has experienced many problems since the Western Powers have contacted them. The non-Western world had to accept the Western culture by force or by their needs. Music was one of them. The Western Music that I use in this paper is the music of the Classical and Romantic period. Harmony and chord progressions are the core of the music of those periods. In the present day most of the people in the world can understand the Western music no matter if they live in the Western Continents or not. The mass media contributes to overflow the Western music in the world. 'The Western Music' is used as a sign or a symbol to help to understand the extra-musical situations for those who live in the Western style life in the world. Since the most of the non-Western traditional music does not have the harmony and chord progressions and the people in the non-Western world began to loose the idioms of their indigenous music, the musicians of the non-Western culture began to use the Western harmony in their newly composed music to be accepted by their people. The word crossover is used in this way. The Western harmony and chord progressions are also used in the newly composed Korean traditional music. In this paper, I examine this cultural blending and how the future music would be.

음악은 기호다 
서구문화와 비 서구문화의 만남 
전통음악의 크로스오버 
국악의 크로스오버 
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