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제주도 북부 연안역의 생물 생태학적 기초 연구 -제주도 북방 함덕해역의 화학적 특성- KCI 등재

Bioecological Studies of the Northern Coastal Area in Cheju Island - Chemical Characteristics of Seawater around Hamduck, Northern Part of Cheju Island-

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/340676
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국지구과학회지 (The Journal of The Korean Earth Science Society)
한국지구과학회 (The Korean Earth Science Society)

Seawater temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients and chlorophyll-a have been studied around Hamduck in the northern part of Cheju Island during July, 1989-July, 1990. In the surface water ranges of water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, phospate, silicate and chlorophyll-a have been 13.7-26.5℃, 28.51-34.37‰, 4.47-7.14㎖/ℓ, ND-15.42㎍-at/ℓ, ND-1.47㎍-at/ℓ, 2.33-24.1㎍-at/ℓ, and 0.02-2.24㎎/㎥, respectively. Yearly mean values of the near surface waters(0m-10m)at station 6 show high temperature, nitrate, chlorophyll-a, while the values of dissolved oxygen, phosphate, and silicate were low compared with the other stations. The vertical profiles are likely to show the possibility of upwelling in October and tidal front in July, suggesting high productivity of phytoplankton around St.6. N1P ratio varies from 35 inshore to 15 offshore and from 45 in July to 15 in Ferbruary. These variation patterns are similar to those of water temperature.

  • 최영찬
  • 고유봉
  • 이준백
  • 문영석