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西南極 King George 섬 , Fildes 半島의 동쪽 海濱堆積物 KCI 등재

Eastern Beach Sediments of Fildes Peninsula , King George Island , South Shetland Islands , West Antarctica

서남극 King George 섬 , Fildes 반도의 동쪽 해빈퇴적물

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/340768
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국지구과학회지 (The Journal of The Korean Earth Science Society)
한국지구과학회 (The Korean Earth Science Society)

This paper discusses heavy mineral assemblages, organisms and micropaleontology from the eastern beach sediments of Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, South Shetland Islands. The aims of this paper are to present preliminary results and to give clues to future research of the study and/or related areas. Heavy mineral assemblages are composed mainly of altered mineral and opaque minerals, clinopyroxenes, amphiboles and epidote. Most of the heavy minerals are derived from volcanic rocks present in Fildes Peninsula. However, relatively high content of mica suggests it might be originated not to be from volcanic rocks of Fildes Peninsula, but to be from acidic rocks present in other areas around Maxwell Bay. Cluster analysis of the data(Q-mode) using UPG method shows three facies: represented by Ardley Cove Hydrographers Cove, and the southern tip of Fildes Peninsula. Hydrographers Cove is separated from Ardley Cove by Ardley Island, and is somewhat protected from the strong wave action of Maxwell Bay. On the other hand, Ardley Cove and the southern tip of Fildes Peninsula are open to the strong wave action of Maxwell Bay. The benthic organisms of the study area is mainly consist of interstitial animals such as very small-sized polychaetes, gastropods, turbellarians and nemertines. Polychaetes are the dominant faunal group as seen in other areas of South Shetland Islands. Occurrence of Foraminifera and Ostracoda seems to reflect faunal ecology and sedimentary environment of the study area. It is recommended that a rather large sample size($gt;1 liter) be made for a quantitative study of micropaleontology and benthic ecology of the areas similar to the study area.

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