The Radio Structures of Spiral and Barred Spiral Galaxies observed in 21cm Neutral Hydrogen Emission Line -in the case of NGC 0891, NGC 3359, NGC 7640-
Three galaxies, NGC 0891(Sb),NGC 3359(SBc) and NGC 7640(SBc) have been taken to figure out the radio structural differences of spiral and barred spiral galaxies. Those galaxies have been observed in 21 cm neutral hydrogen emission line with 300 feet N.R.A.O, radio telescone(Rots, 1979). As Rots' observational line profiles have low angular resoulution, we could not distinguish the radix structural differences of those galaxies: Instead, the neutral hydrogen gases of each galaxy have been shown to tie widely distributed and the HI extents are much larger than the photographically shown ones. Furthermore, as peak column density regions coincide with the central regions of the galaxies, the large extensive radio structures may reveal the neutral gas distributions of the halo parts. The neutral hydrogen mass of each galaxy has been derived from the column density distributions. The line profiles of each galaxy help to obtain the velocity curves, from which the total kinematic mass can be calculated.