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식육중 잔류 항균물질의 검출을 위한 Bacillus megaterium 디스크 검사킷트 개발 KCI 등재

Development of Bacillus megaterium Disk Assay Kit for the Determination of Antibacterial Residues in Animal Tissues

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/341766
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한국식품위생안전성학회지 (Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety)
한국식품위생안전성학회 (Korean Society of Food Hygiene and Safety)

Various antimicrobial drug screen tests have been used in order to ensure food safety. However, the conventional screen teats, the Swab Test on Premises(STOP, USA), the Calf Antibiotic and Sulfa Teat(CAST, USA) and the European Economic Community 4-plate Test(FPT, EU) are not sufficiently rapid or sensitive enough to detect low levels of sulfa drugs in meat. We developed a new screen test kit for the determination of the antimicrobial residues in meat called the Bacillus megaterium Disk AssayBmDA). A comparison of BmDA with the older screen tests showed BmDA was as good as the older ones with several advantages. The new test kit is faster-it can be read in 4-6 hours instead of 16-18 hours. Moreover, BmDA can discriminate sulfa drugs from other antimicrobial drugs because p-aminobenzoic acid countacts the inhibiting action of sulfa drugs. Minimum detectable levels of sulfa drugs were significantly improved at the level of 0.025-0.1 ppm compared with the level of 1.0 ppm in FPT. A comparison of BmDA with the older screen tests in HPLC confirmed meat samples exeeded the Korean tolerance value of 0.1 ppm showed BmDA was the most sensitive in the microbiological screen tests. As the microbiological screen tests have already known, a person familiar with simple laboratory techniques should have no difficulty in using it to detect antimicrobial residues in meat. This would be a simple, economic method of antimicrobial residues detection which might be succesfully used by many laboratories.

  • 손성완(농촌진흥청 수의과학연구소) | Seong-Wan Son
  • 조병훈(농촌진흥청 수의과학연구소) | Byung-Hoon Cho
  • 진남섭(농촌진흥청 수의과학연구소) | Nam-Seup Jin
  • 이혜숙(농촌진흥청 수의과학연구소) | Hye-Sook Lee
  • 육순학(두산기술원) | Soon-Hak Yook
  • 김재학(농촌진흥청 수의과학연구소) | Jae-Hak Kim
  • 이재진(농촌진흥청 수의과학연구소) | Jae-Jin Lee
  • 이영순(서울대학교 수의학과) | Young-Soon Lee