The New Thinking of The Development of Dandong and Xinyi Ju Cross-Broader Cities, From the Perspective of Soft Border
단동과 신의주는 쌍둥이 도시이며 해양 전략의 산물이다. 식민지시기 일본은 적극적으로 식민지국가의 연해도시를 발전시켰으며, 동시에 식민지 전통지역의 핵심지역을 와해하고 약화시켰다. 공업화, 근대화를 구축하는 과정에서 “문명”의 명목 하에 식민지화를 합법화시켰다. 동아시아 각국 식민지에서 이렇듯 식민해양도시를 발전시켰지만, 전통 내륙도시를 약화시켰다. “一帶一路”는 중국에게만 속하는 것이 아니라, 전 세계의 것이다. “일대”의 해양전략은 국가 간의 연계일 뿐만 아니라, 전 세계에 영향을 미치는 경계 도시 간의 연계이다. 다만 해양 국경도시의 발전기회가 더 많은 것이다. 따라서 중국 동북지역은 열악한 국제환경과 장기간 주도해왔던 대륙형 변경이념에서 벗어나 해양 발전관을 양성하고, “소프트 변경” 관리능력을 높여야 한다.
From the perspective of Soft Border this paper analyzes the China- Korea border cities. This paper firstly discusses how to understand and re-plan city development. Secondly, how to transform the concept of urban management is shed light on, especially under the circumstance of the Belt and Road. In terms of cross-border, Dandong and Xinyi Ju are twin cities, as the products of ocean strategy. During the colonial period, Japan strove to develop the coastal cities of the colonized countries, when the traditional core regions of the colonized countries were disintegrated and weaken. This policy was widely implemented in its East Asian colonies. In the name of civilization, Japan attempted to achieve legal colonization, during the process of reconstruction of industrialization and modernization. The positions of inland cities in Korea dropped out, examples are Jin Ju, Shang Ju and Quan Ju, etc. On the Contrary, coastal cities rose sharply. On the part of the cross-ocean area, the Belt not only belongs to China but also belong to the world. the Belt set up the bridge between countries, at the same time, it connects the cities with the most economic influence in the world together. Finally, this paper puts forward some policy implications for the future development of northeast China, as followings. Firstly, the dominant idea of the development of continental borders should be transformed. Secondly, maritime development concept should be established. Thirdly, the management capacity of Soft Border should be improved.