The Comparative Study of Zhuxi's Verification Theory at the Junior Levels and Hong Dae-Yong's Verification Theory
中国宋代著名的思想家朱熹提出‘格物致知说’等主要认识方法论之外,也提出了分量不多 的‘验证说’萌芽,而且这一思想越到晚年越明确,‘验证说’也出现在他晚年著作的字里行间, 为后来的验证说的发展奠定了理论基础。朝鲜时代的洪大容一方面继承了朱熹的性理学说中合理的 部分,另一方面开创了自己独特的实学思想。在他的整个实学體系中,认识论占着相当重要的位 置。本文以其中的‘實證說’爲硏究對象,采取與朱熹的验证说萌芽相比較的方法,分析探討洪大 容實學的實證說。洪大容的實證法是親自走向事物,經過實踐驗證。他通過直接的實見实境的實證 法、實際的测量推步的實證法,亲手實驗實踐的實證法,一一验證眞理。这种客觀的認識方法使洪 大容的哲學擺脫了朱子學,打開了擺脫朱子學的、實學的認識論的開端。
Zhuxi, who epitomized the thought of neo-Confucianism, not only has an effect on Chin ese idealist philosophy during the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties,but has a direct i nfluence on Korean social philosophy during the Korean Age. Hong Tae-Yong is a well- k nown scholar in the later stage of the Korean Age, his theory with Zhuxi‘s became the tw o main schools on the Korean’s thinking. Zhuxi explored some problems in the field of epistemology with the theory of Ge Wu Z hi Zhi. Beyond that, he made a few opinions about verification theory and the opinions g et the clearer in his old age. He was becoming more interested in natural science, and th e thought about verification theory was frequently found in his later writings. In the resear ch about natural scientific problems, he had adopted observation, experimentation and pra ctice method. Zhuxi has opened up a new area and bends and laid the theoretical founda tions for verification theory. Hong Tae-Yong carried on some theoretical results of the Zhu xi on the one hand, and made his own pragmatical learning, on the other hand. In his th eory, the methodology occupied a central place. This thesis has taken the postivist theory as research objects, discusses about Hong Tae-Yong's pragmatical learning by comparing with Zhuxi's Verification Theory. He proved some opinions by the recognizing method of practice, observing methods and the recognizing method of practice. Hong Tae-Yong be d ivorced from Zhuxi's theory and have created a new pragmatical learning by these objecti ve methods. As has been described above, the main differences between the two is understanding th e “Shi(实)”. Hong Tae-Yong attaches great importance to truthful information, truthful circu mstances, truthful experiment and actual practice, He has made great efforts in recognizin g the real things, and has verified them one by one through practice. His objective metho d have helped take his thought off the ZhuZi's Philosophy and have created pragmatical l earning.