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Behavior and IPA for Activating Cycling Road on Seomjin Riverside KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/344552
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휴양및경관연구 (Journal of Recreation and Landscape)
전북대학교 부설 휴양및경관계획연구소 (Institute of Recreation and Landscape Planning)

The purpose of this study is to analyze the behavior of users of the Seomjin River cycling road, which is surrounded by gorgeous natural landscape. Further, we aim to understand the correlation between the importance and performance of various factors rated by users to obtain baseline data that can help to increase the usage of the bike path. We conduct a survey by performing one-on-one interviews at three locations, all of which have a certification center that verifies the completion of the bike path. The bike path attracts visitors from all over the country. First-time visitors and travel plans involving stays of at least one night account for a relatively high percentage of users. The primary purpose of the visit was more related to mental health issues rather than physical health issues. The most attractive feature of the Seomjin River is the beautiful landscape. However, the participation rate from clubs is low, and the visit rate to nearby tourist attractions is also low for scheduling reasons. Important factors that are considered using the bike path are accessibility, safety, bike path condition, amenity, and convenience, while the connectivity has a relatively low importance. We confirm that the convenience of the bike path is as important as providing a safe and amenity while surrounded by gorgeous landscape. The amenity and safety are rated highly for performance and while accessibility and convenience have low rating. The analysis of the detail evaluation items showed that the performance was high for surrounding gorgeous landscape, and non-crowded setting and performance was lowest for inadequate bike repair facilities. A comparison of the importance and performance showed that the performance lower than the importance, and had statistical significance. Accessibility, which is an external environmental factor, had the largest difference. On the other hand, for the detail evaluation items, the degree of crowding, surrounding landscape, and experience opportunities did not have statistical significance, but had a higher performance. This confirmed that they were factors that had the highest satisfaction for the Seomjin River cycling road. Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) results indicated that the items requiring consistent maintenance were surrounding landscape, bike path signs, safety from pedestrians and vehicles, and convenient accessibility. Items that required specific improvement were convenient transportation for returning home, pavement material, and the degree of damage. On the other hand, items that were more effective in terms of their ability to maintain the current conditions were experiences of nearby rural villages, accessibility to nearby tourist attractions, local tourist attractions, and bike repair facilities. The bike repair facilities option had a considerably low performance compared to the importance. For items that were rated with low importance but high performance, it was more effective to allocate the effort for corresponding sections to other items. However, for the degree of crowding, which belonged to this particular category, it was actually more efficient to place on attracting users in order to increase the usage of the bike path.

 1. Introduction
 2. Methods
  2.1 Current Conditions of Study Area
  2.2 Survey Method
  2.3 Analysis Method
 3. Results and Discussions
  3.1 User Behavior Analysis
  3.2 Importance-Performance Analysis
 4. Conclusions
  • Deugsoo Ahn(Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Chonbuk National University)
  • Sanghui Kang(Institute of Recreation and Landscape Planning, Chonbuk National University) Corresponding author
  • Nara Jeong(Urban Agriculture Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA)