전국 15개 지역에서 수집된 227 클론으로 조성된 클론보존원에서 선발을 통해 육성된 새로운 대립 다수확성 복분자 딸기 품종 '두륜'은 평균 개체와 비교하여 줄기의 가시가 적고, 잎의 상면 광택이 강하며 크기가 큰 검은색의 과실 특성을 갖는다. 1998년부터 개화 결실 특성 조사를 실시하여 2001년 17개 클론이 2차 선발되었으며 이들 17개 클론에 대한 지역적응성 및 안정성 검정을 통해 최종 육성된 신품종 '두륜'은 결실지당 개화 수에서 17.2개,
The new Rubus coreanus Miq. variety, 'Doo-Ryun', was selected from 227 clones of the clone bank. This breeding was progressed to select the superior variety for high productivity from 1998 to 2005. To evaluate the clones, characteristics of a fruiting lateral and a ripe fruit were investigated. 'Doo-Ryun' was finally selected through selection of three times and stable trial at four different regions. 'Doo-Ryun' has specific morphological characteristics that are fewer thorn in lateral and strong glossiness of leaf upper side than contrast clone. The flowing and fruiting characteristics of 'Doo-Ryun' shown that the number of flower per fruitng lateral, the number of fruit per fruiting lateral, fruit weight and yield per individual were 17.2, 16.9, 1.73g and 4.50kg, respectively. Also, their selection effects were evaluated as 103.6%, 107.6%, 140.6% and 155.7% compared to the mean of whole clones in the clone bank, respectively.