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시드 코팅과 용액 조성이 SAPO-34 분리막의 결정화 및 투과도에 미치는 영향

Effect of Seed Coating and Gel Composition on Crystallinity and Perm-selectivity of SAPO-34 Membrane

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/344752
모든 회원에게 무료로 제공됩니다.
한국막학회 (The Membrane Society Of Korea)

Silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO-34) zeolite membranes (pore diameter of 0.38nm) have shown high tendency in separation of light gas mixtures. In this work, SAPO-34 membranes were synthesized under various conditions such as different seed, the composition of coating gel and temperature. Membranes prepared by secondary growth method were analyzed using SEM and XRD for the morphology; and gas properties which were tested using a homemade single gas testing apparatus. The crystallinity was improved by the addition of dipropyl amine as an additional structure directing agent (SDA) and also the membrane show nitrogen selectivity in response. Nitrogen selective membranes show a high gas permeance (above 2000 GPU) and low selectivity (max 2.25).

  • 알람 셰에드 파커(충남대학교 에너지과학기술대학원, Graduate School of Energy Science and Technology Chungnam National University) | Syed Fakhar Alam
  • 한문희(충남대학교 에너지과학기술대학원, Graduate School of Energy Science and Technology Chungnam National University) | Moon-Hee Han
  • 조철희(충남대학교 에너지과학기술대학원, Graduate School of Energy Science and Technology Chungnam National University) | Churl-Hee Cho