소나무 수형목 풍매차대를 대상으로 수고생장에 대하여 일반조합능력을 평가하고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 본 연구에 사용된 가계는 총 232가계로 각 수령별 10년생 230가계, 20년생 184가계, 30년생 122가계를 대상으로, 차대검정림에서의 수고 생장 조사 자료를 이용하였다. 차대검정림은 1975년부터 조성하기 시작하여 1987년까지 모두 7회에 걸쳐 1~4 지역에 조성하였다. 이러한 조성 년도, 지역의 차이를 표준화를 통하여 균일한 수치로 보정하여
This study was conducted to select superior families based on the open-pollinated (OP) progeny tests of P. densiflora. A total of 232 OP families were analyzed for relative height growth. The OP progeny test trials were established at 1 to 4 sites from 1975 to 1987. To minimize temporal and spatial variation, we applied the standardization method for family selection. In each progeny test, superior and inferior families were selected at ages of 10, 20 and 30. Relative height growth rate (RHGR), growth speed at a given time unit, was comparatively high at age of 10 with range from 0.1 to 0.6 and showed a large variation among families. However, after age 15, the RHGR was low (average 0.04) and also the variation was not significantly different among families. To reduce selection errors due to age differences (from age 23 to 35) of tests, we made the family selection after age 15 when the values of RHGR were stable. Height growth at each age was transformed to be height growth at age 35 based on the RHGR. As the results, family CB2, CB3, KW99 and KW2 were selected as superior families and KW158, KW22, KB40 and GG1 were considered as inferior ones, respectively. Rank correlations (r) between test ages and selection age 35 were high and statistically significant; r = 0.881 between age 30 and 35, 0.653 between age 20 and 35, and -0.222 between age 10 and 35.