상수리나무 실생채종원에서 수형목 풍매차대 35 가계의 생장 및 가지특성 변이에 대한 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 채종원 임령 12년생 때의 평균 수고는 9.96 m, 평균 흉고 직경 14.50 cm, 평균 지하고 1.04 m, 평균 수관폭 6.80 m, 평균 가지각도는 18.82^º이었고 평균 통직성 등급은 2.58로 조사되었다. 수고생장에 있어서 075 및 052 가계가 우수하였던 반면에 0511 및 0517 가계는 불량한 것을 나타났다. 또한
Growth and branch characteristics of 35 half-sib families were surveyed in a seedling seed orchard of Quercus acutissima at ages 10 and 12. The averages of height, DBH (diameter at breast height), branch height, crown width, branch angle and stem straightness at age 12 were 9.96 m, 14.50 cm, 1.04 m, 6.80 m, 18.82^º and 2.58, respectively. Families of 075 and 052 showed superior height growth and 0511 and 0517 were inferior ones. For DBH growth, 075 and 0413 were best families and 0725 and 0511 were inferior families. Pearson's product moment and Spearman's rank correlation coefficients were all positive for all growth traits except branch angle at ages 10 and 12. This result showed that the families with good height and DBH growth were also superior in stem straightness. In ANOVA, there was a highly significant difference among families in height, DBH, cylindric volume and stem straightness. Branch height, crown width and branch angle were also significantly different among families. Family heritability was higher than individual heritability at ages 10 and 12. Height, DBH and stem straightness were under strong genetic control, showing high family heritability. This implies that high genetic gain could be expected by family selection. Expected genetic gain for each trait was estimated based on the family selection. The highest genetic gain was expected for the traits of branch angle, height and DBH because of the large phenotypic standard deviation and the high family heritability. The growth performance and branch characteristics were weighted by the magnitude of genetic variation and heritability. The weighted values were then subjected to estimate family breeding values. This family breeding value would be applied as a criterion in the genetic thinning of the seed orchard.