"원교 가-단과지 1호"는 농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원에서 고품질 중생종 "Starkrimson"에 무측지성 "McIntosh Wijick"을 1992년에 교배하여, 2000년부터 2008년까지 그 특성을 조사한 결과, 과실 특성이 뛰어난 계통을 중간모본으로 최종 선발 하였다. 만개기는 "홍로"와 비슷하거나 2일 정도 느리고, 숙기는 "홍로"보다 일주일 정도 느리다. 수세는 중, 수자는 반개 장형이고, 단과지 형성 및 착과량은 "홍로"와 같이 많은 편이
Intermediate parent "Wonkyo Ga-Dangwagi 1" (Malus domestica Borkh.) was released from Fruit Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, Korea in 2008. It was derived from the cross between "Starkrimson" and columnar type "McIntosh Wijcik" in 1992 after selection tests from 2000 to 2008. Trees are moderately vigorous and have spreading branching habit. It bears abundant flower buds on one-year-old branches and fruits mainly on spurs or short branches. Harvesting time of this variety is late September, 7 days later than that of "Hongro" in Suwon. The fruit is conical to narrow conical in shape and bright red in skin color. Fruit size is small with weight of 200~240g on an average and fruits have 14ºBx soluble solid and medium acidity. It is moderately susceptible to alternaria leaf spot (Alternaria alternata). "Wonkyo Ga-Dangwagi 1" is a promising apple cultivar and will appeal to young people with good sugar-acid balance.