탄저병 저항성 수박 계통을 육성하기 위하여 저항성 계통인 ‘AU-Producer’를 선발하여 탄저병 저항성 친으로, 고품질 계통인 ‘920533’을 반복친으로 1993년 교배하여 F1세대를 작성하였으며, 1994년부터 1996년까지 BC3F1세대를 진전하였고 중만생종인 ‘920532’를 반복친으로 추가하여 1997년 BC4F1세대를 작성하였다. 1998년부터 2001년까지 원예적 특성 고정을 위해 6회 자가수분하여 세대를 진전하였으며, 원예적 특성이 우
Anthracnose is a major limiting factor of the watermelon production in Korea. A mid-late maturing watermelon line, ‘Hanbit’ with resistance to anthracnose (Colletotrichum orbiculare) race 1 and 3, was developed by the cross between anthracnose resistant cultivar ‘AU-Producer’ and high quality inbred line ‘920533’ at the National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration (RDA). ‘Hanbit’ produces 5.4 to 9.5 kg of red flesh fruits with clear stripes on skin. Average soluble solid contents are ranged from 10.4 to 11.2°Bx. The yield and quality of ‘Hanbit’ was comparable to or better than those harvested from the popular commercial cultivars. ‘Hanbit’ can be cultivated in open fields and under the protected green house condition. In addition to the commercial production, it can be used as a resistant material in F1 hybrid breeding program.