식물 피노믹스 분야에서 초고속 대량선발이 가능하도록 만든 화상기술(imaging technology)을 온실자동화 기술, 이미지 촬영 및 분석기술 등으로 분류하여 개념을 정리하고, 화상기술을 개발 및 응용하고 있는 주요 연구기관의 현황을 소개하였다. 연구동향 파악을 위해 작물의 내재해성 검정, 병해충진단, 종자활력 검정, 수확후 관리, 생체리듬 연구 등 다양한 분야에서 응용되고 있는 사례들을 살펴보았다. 향후 열 화상, 형광 화상 기술을 UV-induc
Food security has been a main global issue due to climate changes and growing world population expected to 9 billion by 2050. While biodiversity is becoming more highlight, breeders are confronting shortage of various genetic materials needed for new variety to tackle food shortage challenge. Though biotechnology is still under debate on potential risk to human and environment, it is considered as one of alternative tools to address food supply issue for its potential to create a number of variations in genetic resource. The new technology, phenomics, is developing to improve efficiency of crop improvement. Phenomics is concerned with the measurement of phenomes which are the physical, morphological, physiological and/or biochemical traits of organisms as they change in response to genetic mutation and environmental influences. It can be served to provide better understanding of phenotypes at whole plant. For last decades, high-throughput screening (HTS) systems have been developed to measure phenomes, rapidly and quantitatively. Imaging technology such as thermal and chlorophyll fluorescence imaging systems is an area of HTS which has been used in agriculture. In this article, we review the current statues of high-throughput screening system in phenomics and its application for crop improvement.