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Pacta Sunt Servanda: Islamic Perception KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/347855
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이준국제법연구원 (YIJUN Institute of International Law)

Pacta sunt servanda - agreements must be obeyed - is a peremptory principle of modern international law of treaty. What are the origin and nature of this doctrine? Some say, its Latin wording indicates that it is of Roman origin. And this doctrine is a must for the social good; without it the society will be a chaos. But how does Islam perceive the notion? This paper finds that this doctrine came into being with the very beginning of the creation of human souls by Allaah Whom they accepted as their Sole Lord and made a commitment to follow His commands. And it is a principal tenet for Muslims to adhere to because it is an inseparable part of their faith (Iman), a command from their Lord and a practice (Sunnah) of their Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is, therefore, obligatory not merely because it is good for the society, but is also rooted in the teachings of Islamic doctrine and a Muslim’s accountability in the life hereafter.

Pacta Sunt Servanda
  1. Prologue
  2. Meaning of Pacta Sunt Servanda in Shari’a
  3. Why Pacta Doctrine in Islam?
  4. Pacta Doctrine in Siyar Practice: Prophet’s Examples
  5. Conclusion
  • Md Anowar Zahid(Faculty of Law at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (National university of Malaysia))
  • Rohimi Shapiee(Faculty of Law at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (National university of Malaysia))