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The Whaling Dispute in the South Pacific: An Australian Perspective KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/347877
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,900원
이준국제법연구원 (YIJUN Institute of International Law)

In May 2010 Australia commenced litigation against Japan in the International Court of Justice over the legality of Japanese scientific whaling in the Southern Ocean. This article considers the background to the litigation, the basis of Australia’s opposition to whaling, and the grounds upon which Australia is mounting its challenge. The interpretation of the 1946 International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling and the operation of the International Whaling Commission are considered in light of the precautionary principle. The article concludes that Australia’s success depends upon a broad reading of the Convention that takes into account its objects and purposes, as well as wider developments in international law. Any guidance that the International Court of Justice can provide on the modern interpretation of this now dated Convention is to be welcomed.

The Whaling Dispute in the South Pacific
  1. Introduction
  2. History of Australian Opposition to Whaling
  3. Unilateral Enforcement of Anti-Whaling Laws?
  4. Bases of Opposition to Whaling
  5. International Legal Framework for Anti-Whaling
  6. Operation of the ICRW
  7. Japanese Research Whaling
  8. The Proceedings before the ICJ
  8. Conclusion
  • Ruth Davis(Member of Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security ( “ANCORS”))