Effects of Colorimetric Properties and Color Sensibility Factors on Color Preferences for Green Yellow Natural Dyed Silk Fabrics: Focused on Combination Dyeing with Indigo and Japanese Pagoda Tree
본 연구는 친환경적이고 감성적인 패션상품의 색채기획을 위한 자료를 제공하고자 수행되었다. 쪽과 괴화로 복합 염색 후 무매염 견직물과 4종의 매염제(Al, Cu, Fe, Zn)를 처리한 견직물에 대하여 색채특성을 측정하였다. 또한 복합염색 후 매염처리된 연두색 견직물에 대하여 여대생을 대상으로 색채감성과 색채 선호도를 조사하였으며, 색채 특성과 색채감성이 색채 선호도에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 쪽/괴화로 복합염색된(무매염) 견직물은 선 염색한 쪽 농도가 10 g/ℓ이면 녹색, 쪽 20 g/ℓ을 사용하면 청록색을 나타내었으며, 4종의 매염제를 사용하여 처리시 거의 모든 경우 연두색을 나타내었다. 연두색을 나타내는 복합염색된 견직물 10종의 색채감성을 요인분석한 결과, 유쾌성, 품위성, 편안성 요인으로 분류되었으며, 이러한 색채감성은 쪽 농도와 매염제의 종류에 따라 대부분 유의한 차이를 보였다. 또한 복합염색된 연두색 견직물의 색채특성과 색채감성요인 간에는 대부분 유의한 상관성을 보여, L*값, b*값, C*값이 크고 a*값이 작을수록 유쾌성과 편안성 감성을 더 강하게 느끼며, L*값이 작고 a*값이 클수록 품위성 감성을 더욱 느끼는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 쪽과 괴화로 복합염색하고 매염처리한 연두색 견직물의 색채감성요인을 예측변수로 활용할 수 있는 색채 선호도 예측 회귀식이 제안되었다.
This study was performed in order to suggest useful data for color planning of eco-friendly and sensible fashion products. Silk fabrics were dyed in combination with natural indigo and Japanese pagoda tree and were treated with four kinds of mordants after combination dyeing. Then, their colorimetric properties were evaluated. From these composite-dyed silk fabrics, color sensibilities and color preferences of green yellow (GY) color were evaluated among the female university students, and thus, the influences of colorimetric properties and color sensibilities on color preferences were analyzed. When the silk fabrics were dyed in the combination of natural indigo and Japanese pagoda tree and were treated without mordants, they turned green color when indigo 10 g/L was used, and blue-green when indigo 20 g/L was added. And when they were dyed in combination of natural indigo and Japanese pagoda tree and were treated with four kind of mordants after combination dyeing, they turned GY color in almost all cases. The color sensibilities of the GY silk fabrics with the combination dyeing of indigo and Japanese pagoda tree, were classified into three factors: pleasantness, gracefulness, and comfort. Color sensibility factors showed significant differences according to the concentration of indigo and the kinds of mordants. There were almost significant relationships between colorimetric properties and color sensibilities factors of compositely dyed GY silk fabrics. The color preferences of the GY fabrics, which were dyed in the combination of using natural indigo and Japanese pagoda tree and four kinds of mordants, were found to be predicted by the color sensibility in a regression model.