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Characterization of Culture and Media Conditions for in vitro Propagation of Hippophae rhamnoides

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/352114
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한국약용작물학회 (The Korean Society of Medicinal Crop Science)

Background : Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is a multipurpose small tree with unique berries of high nutritional and pharmaceutical values has wide spread distribution from Eurasia to South east Asia. In recent times the medicinal benefits of vitamin tree are inclining, hence, efforts were taken to propagate them in vitro to exploit their medicinal property.
Methods and Results : The tissue culture potential of them was investigated for the ability to induce shoot organogenesis in leaf explant, and induction of direct somatic embryogenesis from leaf tissue. Moreover, we also determined the effective induction medium for callus and somatic embryo production from H. rhamnoides. To induce the callus form leaf tissue, several phytohormone combinations such as α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and 6-benzyladenine (BA), 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 6-benzyladenine (BA), and Kinetin (K) were tried with the Murashige and Skoog (MS) as well as woody plant medium (WPM). In MS basal medium, the combination of 2,4-D and K showed the best callus induction rate of 71%, whereas in WPM basal medium the combination of NAA and BA showed the best callus induction rate of 91%. The adventitious root induction form callus was also attempted by using MS and B5 medium with the phytohormone combinations of IBA 1 – 5 g/ℓ. In MS medium, root was induced only at 4 g/ℓ of IBA and 64%, 51% and 55% root induction results were obtained at 3 g/ℓ, 4 g/ℓ and 5 g/ℓ in B5 basal medium, respectively. The somatic embryos were induced only in half strength MS with the triple phytohormone ratio of 2:1:2 of NAA, BA, and K.
Conclusion : The in vitro propagation of sea buckthorn was successfully employed by generating callus, adventitious roots as well as the induction of somatic embryos form the leaf tissues derived callus. Our results provided a valuable addition to the utilization of H. rhamnoides thus enabling their propagation.

  • 양덕춘(경희대학교 한방재료가공학과, 경희대학교 생명공학원) | Deok Chun Yang Corresponding author
  • 서광훈(경희대학교 한방재료가공학과) | Kwang Hoon Seo
  • 파드마나반 모하난(경희대학교 생명공학원) | Padmanaban Mohanan
  • 박선주(경희대학교 한방재료가공학과) | Sun Ju Park
  • 김희애(경희대학교 한방재료가공학과) | Hee Ae Kim
  • 김도현(경희대학교 한방재료가공학과) | Do Hyun Kim
  • 최슬기(경희대학교 한방재료가공학과) | Seul Ki Choi