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Characteristics of Latin American dance sports costume design KCI 등재

라틴 아메리칸 댄스 스포츠 의상의 디자인 특성

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/355541
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,400원
복식문화연구 (The Research Journal of the Costume Culture)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

The purpose of this study is to collect and analyze costumes presented in international dance sports competitions, and summarize the features of Latin American dance costumes’ design. As for research methods, standards of Latin American dance costume design were analyzed via a literature review on dance sports. The scope of the study extended for six years from 2010 to 2015 to include the, top three UK Latin American dance competitions. The results are as follows. First, the silhouette analysis determined that the X silhouette to the lead with, −145 costumes (78%), followed by the H silhouette at 25 (13%), and other at 16 (9%). Amongst those there were 174 one-piece dresses (94%). Furthermore, the analysis on colors of Latin American dance sports costumes revealed that, amongst the 186 costumes, 115 were without color (62%), Bl(black) is the most frequent with 37%, then Wh(white) with 21% and Gr(gray) with 4%. Costumes with colors, based on the six basic colors in the Munsell color system, are comprised most often of red with 12%, the followed by Y(yellow) at 10%, B(blue) at 8%, YR(yellow-red) at 4%, P(purple) at 2%, and G(green) at 2%. Thirdly, the cloth materials of Latin American dance costumes are recognized through image inspection. Among visually recognizable materials, beading materials are the most common with 104 costumes (60%). Shiny materials like mesh, chiffon, organza, lace and burn-out are in 36 costumes in total (19%). Other cloth materials included Luster materials and; non-sheen materials, which were in 46 costumes (25%).

 I. Introduction
 Ⅱ. Dance Sports
  1. Conception of dance sports
  2. Types and characteristics of Latin Americandance
 Ⅲ. Characteristics of Latin AmericanDance Sports Clothing Design
  1. Silhouette
  2. Color
  3. Material
  4. Detail decoration
 Ⅳ. Conclusion
  • Younhee Lee(Professor, Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Hanyang University, Korea, 한양대학교 의류학과 교수) | 이연희 Corresponding author
  • Jinkyoung Lee(Concurrent Professor, Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Hanyang University, Korea, 한양대학교 의류학과 겸임교수) | 이진경
  • Yali Yang(Master, Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Hanyang University, Korea, 한양대학교 의류학과 석사) | 양야리