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정보처리 역량과 운동발달 KCI 등재

Information Processing Capacity and Motor Development

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/355774
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한국스포츠심리학회지 (Korean Society of Sport Psychology (KJSP))
한국스포츠심리학회 (Korean Society Of Sport Psychology)

The characteristcs of children`s motor performance are slow response, low accuracy, greater var iability, inappropriate response, and ignoring KR when they perform at will. Not only physical growth, development, and maturation but also information processing capacity results in children`s motor performance deficits. In the late 1970s, motor development theorists accepted information processing model to explain the motor performance differences between adults and children. they try to clarify that whether the performance differences are due to structure(capacity) or function (control process) . To date, many researches show that the performance differnces result from children`s lack of control process rather than children`s small capacity. Children do not know how to lable the incoming information, how to rehearse to memorize the information in the long-term store, and how to organize the information already existed in their memory effectively, However, if children have enough information about specific task, they spontaneously develop adult-like memory strategy. This facts are due to their great knowledge base. Therefore, even though their sophisticated memory strategy can not compensate all their motor deficits, the role of teachers and coaches is to give children various movement experiences making their knowledge base bigger.

  • 윤정숙 | Jeong Sook Yoon