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Distribution and bioaccumulation of Lu177-labeled hydrophobically modified glycol chitosan in ICR mice KCI 등재

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/356217
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예방수의학회지 (Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine)
한국예방수의학회(구 한국수의공중보건학회) (The Korean Society of Preventive Veterinary Medicine)

This study was conducted to evaluate the accumulation and distribution of hydrophobically modified glycol chitosan (HGC) as a degradable nanoparticle in the body. To determine the movement of degradable HGC nanoparticles in the body, 20 mg/kg of lutetium177-labeled HGC (Lu177-HGC) with the size ranging from 320 to 400 nm was injected intravenously into ICR mice, and the amount of radioactivity remaining in blood and several organs was measured at various time points during the period of 5 days. In the pharmacokinetics analysis using the Lu177 radioisotope, the free Lu177 was mainly distributed and accumulated in the order of kidney>liver>lung at 1 day after the injection of the radioisotope. However, the Lu177-HGC showed a high distribution of nanoparticles in the order of liver>spleen>kidney during the experimental period of 5 days. These results would provide a basic pharmacokinetics for the use of HGC as a drug carrier in drug delivery system.

 서 론
 재료 및 방법
  분해성 나노물질의 선정 및 확보
  일반증상 및 사망률 관찰
  HGC의 방사선 동위원소 표지
  방사선동위원소 Free Lu177의 생체동태분석시험
  방사선동위원소 표지된 HGC을 이용한 생체동태분석시험
 결 과
  HGC과 lutetium177의 결합 표지
  Lutetium177-HGC의 결합 안정성
  방사선동위원소 Lu177의 생체동태
  Lu177-HGC의 생체동태
 고 찰
  • Jung Su Lee(College of Veterinary Medicine and Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Chungbuk National University)
  • Hyeong-Jin Ji(Laboratory Animal Research Center, Chungbuk National University)
  • Hee-youl Chai(ivision of Biosafety Evaulation & Control, KCDC)
  • Jae-Hwang Jeong(Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, Chungbuk Province College)
  • Sang Yoon Nam(College of Veterinary Medicine and Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Chungbuk National University)
  • Young Won Yun(College of Veterinary Medicine and Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Chungbuk National University)
  • Beom Jun Lee(College of Veterinary Medicine and Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Chungbuk National University) Corresponding Author