Removal of Algae in a Slow Sand Filter using Ecological Property of Macrobenthos (Pomacea canaliculata)
After identifying species by collecting the suspended and attached algae mat inhabiting in the slow sand-filter, Spirogyra sp., Mougeotia sp. and Closterium sp. were main green algae and Synedra sp. was diatom algae. Among them green algae Spirogyra sp. was dominant species. A result of observing the life mode of apple snail for a month after introducing into the slow sand-filter, apple snail eggs were discovered on the filter walls 2 weeks after introducing, 4 weeks later lots of eggs were observed all of the slow sand-filter walls, it means there is no problem for apple snail to live in the slow sand-filter. The observation result for algae removal potential by introduced apple snail after 2 months later, slow sand-filter where apple snail were introduced, a few algal mat were observed. On the other hand, no introduced apple snail into the slow sand-filter, lots of suspended algal mats were formed in the water and attached algal mats on the sand surface as well, these algal mat induced much of operating problems.