This study based on electro-coagulation & oxidation reaction is applied to wastewater treatment. Electro-oxidation reaction is used to remove cyanide(CN) which is contained in plating wastewater. Cyanide is transferred by gases such as NH3, NOx, CO2. Analysis result and removal efficiency of Cyanide which is contained in heavy metal wastewater of plating plant, are shown as following paragraph. In electrode arrangement experiment, removal efficiency of carbon electrode(-)/STS316L electrode(+) arrangement method is superior to carbon electrode(-)/carbon electrode(+) arrangement method. Removal efficiencies of cyanide in different HRT such as 30 min, 45 min, 60 min, 75 min and 90 min are 85.5%, 93.1%, 98.0%, 98.7% and 99.4% respectively in carbon electrode(-)/STS316L electrode(+) arrangement method. Finally we can estimate the critical point at HRT of 60 min which the variation of removal efficiency is decreased and HRT to obtain removal efficiency of less than 1 ㎎/LCN is minimum 90 min.