Influence of the Point Source Inflow on the Water Quality Variation in the Downstream of Hyeongsan River
The influence of the point source inflow on the water quality variation in the downstream of Hyeongsan River was investigated. As the results of seasonal variation, the pollutant concentrations of dry season were 1.5~4 times higher than those of wet season. The increase rate of BOD5, CODMn, T-N, T-P due to point source were ranged to 8.1~42.6%, 7.3~41.9% and 17.1~207% as the inflow of P1, P2 and P3, respectively. After P1, P2 and P3 inflow, the accumulated increase rate were 64.3%, 32.6%, 93.1% and 258.9% in BOD5, CODMn, T-N, T-P, respectively. It was found that the influence of point source inflow on the water quality in the downstream of Hyeongsan River is severe.