For the purpose of development of an environmentally friendly aqueous cleanser, some experimental researches on emulsification of D-limonene were performed. OA series surfactants with different molecular weight were adapted as an emulsifier for preparation of O/W emulsion. Cleaning power of aqueous cleanser was measured by a dipping method adapting abietic acid(AA) as a solubilizate. Besides, drop size and drop size distribution, contact angle and storage stability of the aqueous cleansers were also measured and relationships among them were examined. Decrease in molecular weight of surfactant induced small drop size and contact angle, resulting in high cleaning power of aqueous cleanser. Aqueous cleanser consisted of 3wt.% OA300 and 30wt.% D-limonene showed the highest cleaning power, but displayed unfortunately with low storage stability. The storage stability of the aqueous cleanser with OA300 was significantly enhanced by addition of 0.5wt.% OA600 at the expanse of decrease in cleaning power.