본 실험은 영양번식계 사과배양묘의 규격묘 생산을 위한 기초자료를 얻고자 순화된 사과 M.9묘의 광질 영향이 생육과 광합성에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 6주간 환경이 조절된 룸에서 재배하였다. 인공광원은 6처리[적색(R), 청색(B), 백색(W), RBUV(UV-A 함유된 R7B3), RBW(R3B1W1), SMF(고압나트륨+메탈할라이드+형광등)]이며 식물에 조사된 광량은 154±4μmol·m-2·s-1이였다. 사과 묘 생육 특성 반응은 3주와 6주 각각 인공광원에 따라 차이를 보였다. 사과 묘 초장이 3주에는 R, RBUV, RBW, SMF 광원에서 높았으나, 6주에는 R 광원에서 높았다. 묘경은 3주째는 처리 간 차이가 없었으나, 6주째는 RBUV, RBW 광원에서 높았으며, 엽수는 3주와 6주 모두 RBUV 광원에서 가장 많았다. 엽록소 함량 SPAD 값은 3주째는 B와 RBUV 광원과 광원에서 높았으나 6주째는 차이가 없었다. 초장을 기준으로 인공광원 처리기간 중 생장율은 R 광원에서 1.12mm/day로 가장 빨랐으며, RBUV 광원(0.95mm/day), RBW 광원 (0.86mm/day), SMF 광원 (0.76mm/day), W 광원 (0.69mm/day), B 광원(0.44mm/day) 순 이였다. 엽면적은 RBUV, RBW 광원에서 높았고, B 광원에서 낮았으며, 비엽면적은 W 광원에서 높았으며, 생체중과 건물중은 RBUV 광원에서 높았다. 처리 6주째 광합성율은 B 광원에서 가장 높았으며, R 광원에서 낮았고, 기공전도도와 증산율은 B와 W 광원에서 높았다.
따라서 순화된 기내 배양 사과 M.9묘의 초장, 묘경, 엽수, 생체중 등 생육을 위해서는 광파장 영역이 R, R+B가 혼합비율이 높았던 R, RBUV, RBW 광원이 적합하였다.
To investigate the effect of light sources on the growth and photosynthesis of the dwarf apple rootstock M.9 for the production of standard seedlings, the plants were cultivated in a controlled environment for 6 weeks. The sources of light are six treatments [Red (R), Blue (B), White (W), RBUV (R7B3 containing UV-A), RBW (R3B1W1), SMF (high pressure sodium + metal halide + fluorescent lamp) under 154μmol·m-2·s-1. Growth characteristics of apple seedlings varied depending on artificial light source at 3 weeks and 6 weeks. The plant height of apple seedling was high in the R, RBUV, RBW, and SMF light sources at 3 weeks, and in the R light at 6 weeks. There was no significant difference on stem diameter among the treatments at 3 weeks, but showed high in RBUV and RBW light at 6 weeks. Leaf number was the highest in RBUV light at 3 and 6 weeks. The chlorophyll content (SPAD value) was high in the B and RBUV light at 3 weeks, but it was not significant at 6 weeks. The growth rate to height of the R light (1.12mm/day) was the highest among the treatments, followed by RBUV, RBW, SMF, W and then B. Leaf area was the highest in RBUV and RBW lowest in B. Specific leaf area was high in W and fresh and dry weight were high in RBUV. The photosynthetic rate at 6 weeks was highest in the B and lowest in the R. Stomatal conductivity and transpiration rate were higher in the B and W compared to the other light sources. Therefore, we are considered that light sources for growth of dwarf apple rootstock M.9 seedlings are suitable the R, RBUV, and RBW light sources with a high mixing ratio of Red and Red +Blue.