Mitochondria is energy generating organelle. It synthesizes ATP, which is the essential energy source of many cellular processes. During producing energy, some redox centres leak electrons to oxygen and it is contributory to the reactive oxygen species. Besides, mitochondria have significant functions in metabolism, calcium homeostasis, and fatty acid oxidation.
Also mitochondria has importance to the breakdown of the ovarian follicles and could be factor determining oocyte of quality adversely. Increasing evidence shows that the number of mitochondria affect oocyte of developmental competence and maturation detrimentally during aging. Oocyte is the mitochondria-rich cell and enable the organelle to have competence for fertilization and early embryonic development. Occurrence of blastomere depends on distribution change of mitochondria which present in the egg.
Lonicera caerulea treatment inhibited ovarian mitochondrial oxidative damage by suppressing mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mROS) generation, decreasing apoptosis, controlling disintegration of mitochondrial membrane potential and conserving respiratory chain complex activities.
The purpose of this study is to identify if mouse accepting treatment with L. caerulea could counter age-induced sterility and ovarian mitochondrial OS in a model organism of ovarian ageing.