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Solid Matrix Priming 처리가 고추종자의 발아에 미치는 영향 III. 발아온도와 건조기간 KCI 등재

Effect of Solid Matrix Priming on Peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) Germinability III. Germination Temperature and Duration of Dehydration

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/363018
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농업생명과학연구 (Journal of Agriculture & Life Science)
경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 (Institute of Agriculture & Life Science, Gyeongsang National University)

본 실험은 국내 고추종자 12 품종을 대상으로 SMP 처리시 최적의 발아온도와 건조기간을 구명하고, 3 종류의 종자처리기술을 적용하여 고추종자의 입모율과 수확량을 비교하고자 하였다. 발아온도에 따른 결과는 무처리 종자가 15℃에서 12 품종 모두 전혀 발아가 되지 않았다. SMP 처리종자는 발아율이 77(여명)∼100%(대왕)로 높았으며, 15℃ 여명품종의 77%와 35℃의 부강품종 85%를 제외한 나머지 품종은 모든 온도에서 93% 이상으로 높은 경향이었다. 건조조건은 45℃에서 3시간이 적절한 품종으로 금수레, 동방, 종가네, 향촌, 여명, 광복, 왕 품종이었으며, 35℃에서 6 시간이 적절한 품종은 마니따, 조양 품종이었고, 25℃에서 12시간이 적절하다고 판단된 품종은 부강, 다보탑, 대왕 품종이었다. 건조기간에 따른 고추종자의 수분 함수율 변화는 품종마다 다소 차이는 있겠으나, 45℃에서 3∼6시간으로 판단되었다. SMP, osmopriming, pH조절처리에 따른 입묘율을 비교한 결과 낮은 입모율을 보이는 처리는 향촌품종의 pH 조절처리, 다보품종은 무처리, osmopriming 처리였다. 또한 광복품종은 입모율이 낮았고, 대왕품종은 다른 품종에 비해 양호한 경향이었다. 정식 후 90일째 수량에서 무처리가 낮은 경향이었으며, 결주율 또한 높게 나타났다. 품종에 따라 수량의 차이는 있었으며, pH 조절과 osmopriming의 처리 또한 모든 품종에서 안정된 입모율을 보이는 것은 아니었다. 결론적으로 SMP 처리조건은 모든 품종에서 안정된 입모의 확보를 가져올 수 있었으며, 다양한 환경조건에서 반복적인 연구가 진행되어야 할 것으로 사료되었다.

The purpose of this study was to find out the optimum germination temperature and dehydration period at SMP processing, and applies 3 kind of seed treatment and compares yield with stand establishment of seeds of 12 pepper cultivars. It was showed that all 12 cultivars of nontreated seed does not entirely germinated in 15℃. It was that SMP seed germination rate 77(Yeomyeong)~100% (Deawang) high, and seeds 12 cultivars was tendency high by more than 93% at all temperatures excepting Bugang(35℃, 85%) and Yeomyeong(15℃, 77%). Dehydration condition of result were Gumsure, Dongbang Jonggagip, Hyangchon, Yeomyeong, Kwangbok, Wang by which 3 hours in 45℃ were proper, which 6 hours in 35℃ were proper Manitta, Joyang, and judged that 12 hours in 25℃ were proper in Bugang, Dabotap, Deawang. It was reported that water percentage of moisture content change of pepper seed by dehydration was difference a little in species, but was judged by 3-6 hours in 45℃. There was compared to SMP, Osmopriming, pH control by stand establishment were shown pH control of Hyangchon, Dabotap species was nontreated, osmopriming treatment. Also, Kwangbok species was tendency that stand establishment was low, and Deawang was good than other species. Yield of nontreated of yield day was tendency, and miss planted rate also appeared high for 90 day. There was difference in species, and processing of pH control and osmopriming was not shown stand establishment that is stabilized in all species. SMP processing condition could bring security of stable stand establishment in all species, and was considered that research that was under various environment condition should be proceeded conclusively.

초 록
 I. 서 언
 II. 재료 및 방법
 III. 결과 및 고찰
 Literature cited
  • 김도한(경상대학교 응용생명과학부(농업생명과학연구원)) Corresponding author