To evaluate the change for water quality after the water gate operation in Shiwha lake, in situ survey were conducted on september in 2000 and January, march, jane in 2001. Chemical characteristics and eutrophication level was estimated from the survey data. The water quality of the Shihwa lake was greatly affected by pollutant load from rainfall, and formation of stratification in summer and winter was increased to effect on nutrient release from sediment. Especially, high concentration of chlorophyll-a was occurred in autumn, due to increased nutrient, high water temperature and low salinity after rainfall runoff. The mean concentration of DIN, DIP were 0.346mg/L, 0.0217mg/L in surface water and 0.826mg/L, 0.0415mg/L in bottom water, respectively, which were over Ⅲ grade of seawater standard. Also high percentage of ammonia nitrogen to DIN in bottom water for autumn and winter was affected by released nutrient from sediment. Correlation analysis of chlorophyll-a versus TSS was shown that organic matter was affected by autochthonous organic matter stem from the algae, these factor showed reverse correlation about salinity. Closely correlations among to the water quality constituent in continuity survey was appeared. The results of eutrophication index estimation showed the high potentiality of red tide occurrence in Shiwha lake, particularity in summer or fall. Overall water quality was greatly improve to compared with measuring data during 1997~1998 at the beginning water gate operation, which reported by KORDI. Therefore, to improve of water quality in Shiwha lake, we need to establish of management plan about nutrient release from sediment, rainfall runoff, maximum of seawater exchange.