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Influence of the River Ceasing on Wetland Environment in the Yellow River Delta KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/363875
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한국환경과학회지 (Journal of Environmental Science International)
한국환경과학회 (The Korean Environmental Sciences Society)

The Yellow River began ceasing affected by natural factors and the unreasonable human activities. The flow broke in the Yellow River and water and sediment flowing into the sea decreased, which lowered the speed of newly formed wetland extending to the sea. The water environment deteriorated; Its composing structure tended to be unsteady; The biologic diversity decreased and wetland function reduced. To ensure that the Yellow River delta and its ecosystem develops sustainablly, it is significant to reduce times and days of the ceasing, keep certain runoff and sediments in the river to the sea and make its watercourse stable.

  • Weifeng Chen(College of Resources and Environment, Shandong Architecture University)
  • Yanxi Shi(College of Resources and Environment, Shandong Architecture University)
  • Qinghua Mi(College of Resources and Environment, Shandong Architecture University)
  • Seoung-Won Ann(College of Industrial Science, Kongju National University) Corresponding Author