In this study, it was performed using submerged nonwoven bioreactor(SNBR) for removal of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphate under different aeration intervals(intermittent aeration). We applied the SNBR at the cheap nonwoven fiber module instead of the expensive membrane. The SNBR was mainly made up of an activated sludge reactor and a transverse flow nonwoven module, with an innovative configuration being in application between them. In case of sewage, the aeration conditions experimented consist of continuous aeration and 60min/60min, 120min/60min, 120min/120min of aeration/nonaeration time intervals, respectively. In case of landfill leachate, the intermittent aeration condition was 120min/120min at aeration/nonaeration. Consequently, a high COD removal rate (about 94%) was achieved in sewage and leachate. Although nutrient removal rate was relatively high without any additional chemicals.