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Structural Safety of Universal Joint using FEM Simulation KCI 등재

FEM 시뮬레이션을 이용한 유니버설 조인트의 구조안전성

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/364067
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한국산업경영시스템학회지 (Journal of Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)
한국산업경영시스템학회 (Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)

Mechanical components are to be produced with accurate dimensions in order to function properly in assemblies of a machine. Once designs of mechanical components are created, designers examine the designs by adopting many known experimental methods. A primary test method includes stress and strain evaluation of structural parts. In addition, fatigue test and vibration analysis are an important test method for mechanical components. Real experiments at a laboratory are established when products are manufactured. Since design changes should be done before producing the designs in factories, rapid modifications for new designs are required in production industries. FEM simulation is a proper choice for a design evaluation with speed at a detail stage in design process. This research focuses modeling and mechanical simulation of a mechanical component in order to ensure structural safety. In this paper, a universal joint, being used in driving axels of vehicles, is studied as a target component. A design model is created and tested in some ways by using commercial software of FEM. The designed component is being twisted to transmit heavy power and thus, torsional stress should be under strengths of the component’s material. The next is fatigue analysis to convince fatigue cycles to be within the endurance limit of the material. Another test is a vibration analysis for rotational components. This research draws final conclusions from these test analyses and recommends whether the designed model is under safety condition in terms of mechanical structure.

1. 서 론
 2. 유니버설 조인트 설계 및 모델링
  2.1 유니버설 조인트의 형상설계
  2.2 유니버설조인트 모델링
 3. 유니버설 조인트 구조해석
  3.1 접합(Contact) 조건
  3.2 메시(Mesh) 생성
  3.3 구조해석 조건 적용
  3.4 구조해석을 위한 구속조건
  3.5 구조해석 Simulation 결과
 4. 유니버설 조인트 피로해석
  4.1 피로해석
  4.2 피로해석 조건
  4.3 피로해석 Simulation 결과
 5. 진동수
  5.1 유니버설 조인트의 고유진동수
 6. 결과 분석 및 결론
  6.1 유니버설 조인트 해석 결과 분석
  6.2 결론
  • Jong Yun Jung(School of Industrial Engineering and Naval Architecture, Changwon National University) | 정종윤 Corresponding Author