The study about biodiversity have been reported based on the many organism (snake, lizard, acacia, fungi and so on). There are many indices like species richness and evenness and so on for identifying the biodiversity. In this study, we adopted the phylogenetic indices. The phylogenetic diversity (PD) estimates calculated by the sum of the branch length that connect species of the corresponding minimum spanning path. The phylogenetic endemism (PE) identifies geographical concentrations of phylogenetically and geographically restricted species which metrics was measured by multiplying each branch length by the part of its range found within a given area.
This study aimed to detect and quantify species richness (SR), weighted endemism (WE), phylogenetic diversity (PD) and phylogenetic endemism (PE) using data of Korean butterflies. The presence of 161 butterfly species, comprising 7930 records, was mapped onto 0.0625° grid cells and phylogenetic tree was constructed mainly from COI sequences used to calculate phylogenetic metrics. We illustrate the SR, WE, PD and PE using data of Korean butterfly using Biodiverse software
In this study, we tested the phylogenetic indices and compared the species richness and weighted endemism. Additionally, we confirm the relationship among four indices. Using these indices, we got the results which suggest that the conservation value of different areas and hot spot of Korean butterflies easily found from Korea.