패션매장에서의 인터랙티브 디지털 사이니지에 대한 소비자 인식 - 기술수용모델을 중심으로 -
Digital signage in a smart store would engage and invoke responses from consumers because good in-store experiences are more important than ever. Thus, the present study investigates consumer perceptions of interactive digital signage integrating technology acceptance model. Specifically, the current study examined 1) the effects of personal and fashion innovativeness on interactivity; 2) the effect of interactivity on perceived usefulness, ease of use, and enjoyment; and 3) the effects of perceived usefulness, ease of use, and enjoyment on intentions to use the products and the store, visit the store, and engage in word-of-mouth. As a pre-study, two researchers visited the smart stores of six brands in Seoul, all of which integrate various technologies in the fashion field. A video clip was developed as a stimulus to the study. A total of 214 responses were gathered and analyzed. The results were as follows. Personal innovativeness has a significantly positive effect on interactivity, whereas fashion innovativeness has no significant effect. Interactivity had positive effects on the perceived usefulness, ease of use, and enjoyment. Consumer responses (i.e., intentions to use, visit, and engage in word-of-mouth) were predicted by usefulness and enjoyment, but not by ease of use. The findings of this study could provide the fashion industry and retailers practical and valuable insights into enhancing consumers’ in-store experiences through the use of interactive digital signage.