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금강수계의 수질관리를 위한 QUAL2E 모델의 적용 (I) - 모델입력인자 산정 및 자생 BOD 평가 - KCI 등재

Application of QUAL2E Model for Water Quality Management in the Keum River (I) - Estimation of Model Input Parameter and Autochthonous BOD -

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/366691
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한국환경과학회지 (Journal of Environmental Science International)
한국환경과학회 (The Korean Environmental Sciences Society)

The Keum river is one of the important river in Korea and has a drainage area of 9,873 ㎦. The Keum river is deepening pollution state due to development of the lower city and construction of a industrial complex. The water quality of the Keum river come to eutrophication state and belong to Ⅲ grade of water quality standard.
The concentration BOD in river is affected by the organic loading from a tributary and the algae biomass that largely happen to under eutrophication state. In the eutrophic water mass such as the Keum river, the autochthonous BOD was very important part for making a decision of water quality management, because it was accounted for majority of the total BOD.
The purpose of this study was to survey the characteristics of water quality in summer and to estimate reaction coefficient. Also, we studied to correlationship between chlorophyll a and BOD(COD) for estimation of the autochthonous BOD. The correlationship between chlorophyll a and BOD(COD) were obtained through the culture experiment of phytoplankton in the laboratory. The results of this study may be summarized as follows ;
The characteristics of water quality in summer were belong to Ⅲ∼Ⅳgrade of water quality standard as BOD and nutritive condition is very high.
The BOD, ammonia nitrogen and phosphate loadings in Miho stream which inflowing untreated sewage from Chungju city was occupied with 64.07%, 26.36%, 46.08%, respectively.
Maximum nutrient uptake (Vmax) was 0.4400 μM/hr as substrate of ammonia nitrogen, 0.1652 μM/hr as substrate of phosphate. Maximum specific growth rate (μmax) was 1.2525 hr-1 as substrate of ammonia nitrogen, 1.5177 hr-1 as substrate of phosphate.
The correlation coefficient between chlorophyll a and BOD by the culture experiment were found to be 0.911∼0.935 and 0.942∼0.947 in the case adding nutrient and no adding nutrient, respectively.
The correlation coefficient between chlorophyll a and COD through the culture experiment were found to be 0.918∼0.977 and 0.880∼0.931 in the case adding nutrient and no adding nutrient, respectively.
The autochthonous BOD(COD) was estimated to the relationship between BOD(COD) and chlorophyll a. The regression equation were found to be autochthonous BOD=(0.045∼0.073)×chlorophyll a and autochthonous COD=(0.137∼0.182)×chlorophyll a.

  • 김종구(군산대학교 해양환경공학과) | Jong Gu Kim
  • 이지연(군산대학교 해양환경공학과) | Ji Yeun Lee