A macroeconomic minimodel was simulated to suggest the public policy for sustainable use of Nakdong River Basin. The minimodel for the simulation shows the interrelationships between natural environment and economic activity. Topsoil, water, economic assets, and money stock are plotted for 300 years, beginning with 1996 in each simulation.
The computer simulation runs suggest that the Nakdong River Basin system in the near future may strongly be influenced by the favorable availability of outside resources, while the economic assets and money stock may be declined by indigenous environmental stock depletion. The simulation run made under the constant decrease in systems purchased inputs with investment ratio of developed country and for sustainable use. The results of simulation shows the recover of natural environment and decrease of economic activity under these condition.
Therefore, the economic structure of Nakdong River Basin should be transformed from the present industrial structure to the social-economic structure based on an ecological-recycling concept which depend on renewable resources rather than industrial structural which depend on outside resources.