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Managing Staff Training Programmes and School Climate for Teacher Retention in Secondary Schools in Rivers State

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/366966
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APEC국제교육협력원 (Institute of APEC Collaborative Education)

This study investigated the management of staff training programmes and school climate for teacher retention in secondary schools in Rivers State. Two (2) research questions and 2 corresponding hypotheses were answered and tested in the study, respectively. The population of the study comprised all the 268 public senior secondary schools in Rivers State, with 268 principals (218 males and 50 females), from which a sample of 215 (80%) was drawn using the stratified random sampling technique. Respondents of the study responded to a validated 20 – item instrument titled ‘Managing Staff Training Programmes and School Climate for Teacher Retention Scale’ (STPSCTRS), designed by the researchers, in the modified 4 – point likert scale model, with a reliability index of 0.74, obtained using Cronbach Alpha. In all, 215 sets of the instruments were administered to the respondents in their various schools 214 (99%) were retrieved, while 213 (99%) survived after coding and were used in the statistical procedures. Mean and standard deviation, were used in answering the research questions, while z-test was used in testing the hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level. Results from data analysis show that staff training programmes, and school climate are necessary for teacher retention. It was concluded that the use of staff training programmes and conducive school climate to a very high extent, determine teacher retention in secondary schools in Rivers State. Recommendations were that school principals, government and educational stakeholders should give attention to staff training programmes and school climate in their various schools.

 Conceptual Framework
 Staff Training Programmes forTeacher Retention
 School Climate for Teacher Retention
 Statement of Problem
 Aim and Objectives of the Study
 Research Questions
 Discussions of Findings andImplications
 Conclusion and Recommendations
  • Igbudu N. Jennifer(Department of Educational Management Faculty of Education University of Port Harcourt)
  • Afangideh T. Sunday(Department of Educational Management Faculty of Education University of Port Harcourt)